To quickly test GeneNoteBook functionality, the GeneNoteBook repository contains a small test dataset of 100 genes from Medicago truncatula, along with predicted protein domains and quantified gene expression from several publicly available transcriptomes.
Download testdata
wget &&\
tar xvxzf testdata.tgz
Load test data into running GeneNoteBook daemon
Run the following commands from the testdata folder
Add reference genome
genenotebook add genome -u admin -p admin -n test testdata.fasta
Add gene annotations
genenotebook add annotation -u admin -p admin -n test testdata.gff3
Add InterProScan protein domain predictions
genenotebook add interproscan -u admin -p admin testdata.iprscan.gff3
Add transcriptomes
find . -name "*abundance.tsv" |\
xargs -n 1 -P 1 -I % sh -c "genenotebook add transcriptome -u admin -p admin %"